Set up telegram bot
Set up telegram bot

set up telegram bot

""" print ( " Message Send on %s" % datetime. Method to print outgoing data on the console decode ()) return result def _print_outgoing ( self, outgoing ): """ urlopen ( _request ) result : Dict ] = json. TG_URL = ") # sending HTTP request, for sending message to the user SIG_DFL ) class TelegramEcho : def _init_ ( self, TG_KEY : str ): self. Import urllib.request as request from urllib.error import HTTPError from http.client import HTTPResponse from typing import Dict, List, Union import json from datetime import datetime import signal import os signal. Here you can customize your bots like setting a bot description (what it does, what it is used for etc), setting a bot about and profile picture. Now you can click on Back to Bot button and click on Edit Bot button.If you want the bot to accept inline messages beyond the commands. Click on Bot Settings and you will see various options.

set up telegram bot set up telegram bot

Send /mybots command to list your bot, select the desired bot.Send /newbot command and follow the instruction.Send /start command to start and associate the account with yours.Open telegram app and search for BotFather.Simple telegram accounts operated by an application

Set up telegram bot